
Multiblend - Liquids On Inert Carriers

This particular range of product sometimes called powdered oils or dry blends are high activity concentrates of liquids dispersed on specific carriers. 

The liquids processed vary from low viscosity mineral oils to high viscosity speciality plasticisers. 

The advantages obtained by using liquids in this form are; 

Faster incorporated during compounding 

Improved dispersion characteristics 

Lower power consumption

Convenient material handling 

Increased uniformity 

No product wastage


Examples of liquids handled are;

Aromatic Oils 

Paraffinic Oils

Phthalates Plasticisers 

Naphthenic Oils

Phosphate Plasticisers 

Chlorinated Plasticisers 


Carriers for the liquids can be 


Calcium silicate

Silicates in general

Or any carrier specified by the user. The activity of the final powdered product can vary from 30% – 75% 

This activity is governed by the absorbency characteristics of the chosen carrier. 

** Advice Can Be Given If Required **